Greenagro produces premixes for all animals reared on a farm, and according to the needs of the farm
Greenagro’s experience in animal nutrition and global network of nutritionists enables us to formulate and produce high quality premixes. Ingredients are carefully chosen and formulations are adapted to farmer’s raw material, condition and needs. Our automated production process enables us to have high control over our production successes.
Feed ratio and Premix formulations are created taking in consideration:
- Analysis of feed components
- Nutritional value of all feed components must be taken in consideration, so samples from farms are taken for analysis.
- Nutritional plan according to performance abilities
- Nutritional solutions must be carefully adapted to age, genetics and production potential.
- Health challenges
- Proper nutritive values of the feeding program provides the animals all the necessary nutrients for optimal health.
- Record data of production rates.
- We keep track and analyze the production records of every farm, and adapt feeding program if improvement is needed.

The choice of quality and well-balanced vitamins and minerals are crucial for healthy development of the cows. Reproductivity and health as well as milk capacity of cows depends on continuous and balanced consumption of vitamins and minerals. Greenagro Premixes complement the complete mixes and thus contribute the cows:
• Good health and reproduction.
• Achieve good growth, development and conversion of food.
• Maintain healthy hoofs, healthy udders and regular fertility.
The phase of breeding piglets is a crucial period for achieving good results. In the early stage of development it is essential to establish a well-functioning digestive system. It will provide optimal metabolism.
In order to maximize the production of pigs, a high quality diet and a carefully managed farm is required.
Breeding pigs with a proper diet strategy contributes to good results and economic viability.
Nevertheless, with pigs, like with other animals, in the process of developing a strategy for nutrition, the conditions on the farm, genetics and feeding technique are important.
Therefore, Greenagro provides complete analysis of the conditions, raw materials and the needs of the farm for the purpose of creating an adequate premix, which will contribute to maximum development of the pigs.

With sheep and goats, Grinagro premixes have a positive effect on their general health, as well as:
- reduce the risk of disease;
- lead to good growth in the offspring;
- meet the needs of vitamins and minerals;
- contribute to healthy hoofs, udder and beautiful hair;
- prevent disorders that might occur because of deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
Layer farms have several objectives:
- Production of as many eggs as possible with efficient use of the food
- High egg mass (weight of the egg and cumulative production per layer)
- Stable quality and strength of the shell
GREENAGRO fulfills these goals by analysing the needs of the farm, the used raw materials and the storage system which enables it to develop a diet program. With our nutrition program, the capacity of the contemporary layer is fully exploited for a minimum period of egg formation and a longer period of persistence of high laying capacity and maximum egg mass.
From the 1st to the 18th week
The period of cultivation is very important and has the greatest impact on the future of the layer and its laying. If chicks do not develop properly and sufficiently, their health status and productivity will be problematic and low further on. To achieve optimal and healthy growth, we divide feeding to laying in three phases. For each phase we have a specially prepared premix recipe, adapted to the needs of chicks – future layers.
- Until week 10 the chicks develop their body until reaching the target bodyweight.
- The second phase until week 17 the chickens continue to build their mass and skeleton, but one should make sure that they are not overweight. At this stage the gradual development of the body and the capacity of the digestive organs is the key.
- In the final phase of their growth the reproductive organs are formed and they reach reproductive maturity to start producing eggs.
From Week 19
We divide the period of laying eggs with layers in three phases, depending on the age and the needs of the organism of the layer in order to reach the maximum. The premixes contain vitamins, amino acids, phosphates and other elements which participation is balanced depending on the age category, the condition and the needs of the farm.
In addition of the existing lines of products, “Greenagro” has the possibility to produce adapted products for a certain purpose – premixes in accordance with the needs of the farm for achieving optimum efficiency for given circumstances and production objectives.

We have broken down the feeding of broilers into three time phases:
I phase (from 1st until 14th day)
The first days are very important for the development of the broiler chickens. Attention needs to be paid to the growth to delivery of results for achieving growth potential of modern hybrids. Ten grams more weight in the first seven days leads to weight bigger for about 70 grams until the 42nd day. The health of the 1 day-old chicks and the conditions during accommodation are one of the significant factors for the development of chicks. But the focus on nutrition in the first weeks also significantly affect the production capacity in the next stages.
II phase (from 14th until 28 th day) and III phase (after 28 th day)the recommendation for our dietary program in these two phases depends on the value and quality of raw materials used by the farm, the conditions in which the brojlers are kept and the objectives of the farm. In this way, together with our clients, we find a solution that maximizes productivity and profitability for appropriate follow up to the initial feeding and ensuring adequate growth with optimized final conversion of food into quality muscle tissue.